Friday, January 30, 2009

Draco Malfoy

Can I just take a moment to gush about Draco? Thanks.

In the Japanese trailer, and in the full length theatrical one, I noticed the quite disturbed Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) looking at himself in the mirror (pictured here). He is seemingly shaken up by the task the Dark Lord has entrusted him with. The many depths of his character are brought to life in the Half Blood Prince and I cannot wait to see it in the film!

Ever since the first movie, I've quite vehemently insisted that Tom Felton hasn't been given enough screen time. I certainly hope that changes in the final three installments. Draco plays a really important role in the final books, and so long as Tom Felton is committed to the character, Draco should be fully represented on screen. I mean, just look at him!! He knows he has been given a task by the Dark Lord, and does not want to disappoint him or his family, yet he is conflicted and scared in this scene. To balance this, however, we see throughout the film, a more determined and defiant Draco, committed to his task and unwilling to let anyone get in his way; we even see glimpses of evil and ruthlessness in his eyes. I suppose that's what makes a scene like this so powerful.

At either rate, I cannot wait! The entire focus on Draco - regardless of whether it is elaborate or minimal - will be great!

Snape and the "Shhh!"

The new Japanese trailer for the Half Blood Prince shows us one of the more perplexing scenes from the upcoming movie, and it involves Professor Snape. In the scene, pictured here or at 1:38 in the trailer, we see Harry standing motionless, while Snape points his wand at him and gestures him to be quiet. The setting, however, is atop the Astronomy Tower (as determined by freeze framing the trailer and watching it over and over again incessantly). Those of us who have read the book know that this scene comes at a crucial, absolutely crucial, part of the storyline. Snape kills Dumbledore in this scene, but the act is written in a way that leaves the reader in the dark about whether Snape killed Dumbledore to save him or because he was working for the Dark Lord. This was the biggest cliffhanger of the sixth book (perhaps the entire series) – questioning whether Snape good or is he bad – and sets the tone for much of Deathly Hallows.

Okay, this is so frustrating!! Arg! By including this scene, the film essentially gives away a MAJOR plot point. Snape is not supposed to signal to Harry or to anyone else that he is on their side. Harry is not supposed to have a clue, any clue whatsoever, that Snape might be good – he, along with the readers, are supposed to figure that out in Deathly Hallows. Why would they include something so major in the film?! Why?

Where the producers of the film alive when everyone was debating the true nature of Snape’s character? Do they think the audience is stupid and that they won’t get it? Come on! We are not stupid! And, if it’s the non-readers that you are worried about, trust me, they aren’t stupid either! If anything, it will cause the audience to re-watch the sixth movie to see if we can better understand the situation with Snape. Or, after we watch Deathly Hallows, we will have a newfound appreciation for the Half Blood Prince film, just like readers did for the sixth book. Why are the producers afraid of leaving any kind of mystery at the end of these films? All five previous movies have proven that Warner Brothers will get people into theatres to watch the Potter films…and in incredibly large numbers, I might add. And, they will, without a doubt, come see Deathly Hallows if you leave this cliffhanger at the end of the 6th movie. If anything will attract criticism, it is ruining this major plot point. Warner Brothers, if you’re reading this, please cut this scene out! In the few months that you have left, please cut this part out!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Not Just Any Music Box...

Just got a spankin' new music box earlier this week, another cherished addition to my collection of Harry Potter items. (A big thank you hug goes out to a particular guy-friend.)

A miniature revolving figure of Harry appears when the boxed is opened, and "Hedwig's Theme" plays when you wind the dial. Yes, that's right. Hedwig's Theme. One of the most recognizable movie themes in cinematic history and the foundation of all five of the Potter film scores since the series began. The box is exquisitely detailed, with absolutely gorgeous decoration on the outside. A familiar image of Hogwarts drapes the inside lid of the box.

New "Half-Blood Prince" Trailer from Japan Now Online

Happy Friday Muggles! I have a treat for all of you today! The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trailer which is currently being aired in Japan is now online via YouTube. For your convenience, I’ve posted it below. This video does, however, contain Japanese subtitles and an announcer, but you’re still able to clearly hear new dialogue from all the characters, including Snape as he sneers “How grand it must be to be the chosen one.”

Check it out and enjoy!