There have been special advance tours of the exhibit going on all week at MSI, and, as a result, many reports have surfaced online with an inside look similar to the USA Today article. They all seem to be fairly consistent and quite detailed. Also, every one I have seen has given high marks to the exhibit (no surprise!), calling it a must-see for any Harry Potter fan. I've read through all of these advance reports and have reached the point where I can no longer wait to go! It's going to be amazing! AMAZING! Here's what I'm looking forward to:
The Hogwarts Express. "The 10,000-square-foot exhibit space features eight video screens showing clips from the movies as music from the soundtracks plays. A wall rises to reveal a life-sized train: Hogwarts Express, surrounded by billowing fog." I've gotten chills and goosebumps every time I've read about this entrance to the exhibit. I'm sure I'll feel just like Harry did when he stepped onto Platform Nine and Three Quarters!
Mandrakes and Quidditch. "A sign on a gardening bench says "please pull," inviting visitors to tug on a baby mandrake...Visitors can plop down in an enormous chair in the hut occupied by Hagrid, the half-giant groundskeeper at Hogwarts. They can toss a Quaffle...through three metal rings." If anything will make you feel like you're really in Hogwarts, this is it! I hear you can also get sorted by the Sorting Hat into your favorite Hogwarts House!
Diagon Alley. "The exhibit funnels visitors into Diagon Alley, a wizards' shopping destination in the movies and a gift shop for Muggles here. Wands, snow globes and T-shirts seem destined to fly out the door as speedily as a Nimbus 2000 flying broom." I plan on spending both time and money (Galleons not accepted) here! Yeepee! The hardest part is going to be deciding what to buy and what to leave behind!