As part of the anniversary edition, the book will also contain new artwork by Mary GrandPre, the artist for all of the Potter books. Ms. GrandPre recently did a great interview with Time Magazine, where she discussed this anniversary piece and illustrating the beloved Harry Potter series. She says that drawing for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was her favorite and she relished the opportunity to revisit Harry for the 10th anniversary edition saying, “It was really a nice opportunity. As Harry grew, I always wished I could go back and make a new piece for each book. So when the anniversary cover idea came up, I was really excited to do that. It’s like getting to do a new portrait of this old soul you really know.”
I for one am really looking forward to getting a copy of the 10th Anniversary Edition. Though Sorcerer's Stone doesn't rank at the top of my favorites of the seven books, I very much enjoyed it. I owe that first book so much, for it transported me into Harry's magical world for the very first time and took me on a 10 year journey that I will never forget.
Can't wait!
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