Have you ever wondered what type of wand you would have? I certainly have. I recently became the master of a new wand, after an accident claimed my first one (all the Spellotape in the world couldn't have fixed it, really!). I’ve never felt completely settled with it, even this new one, as I have never been aware of its unique and defining characteristics. What type of wood is it? What is at its core?
My post today is meant to alleviate that problem. I have found a website online that figures out what type of wand you possess by simply answering a few questions. You can take the quiz at http://www.diagonalley.5u.com/ollivanders/index.html.
And drum roll please…
My wand is a 11.5'', Holly, Gryffon Feather - "Holly is the strongest of the protective woods. It is used to guard against evil in fact Holly means "holy". Holly wands excel at combat, defense, and protection spells. It is also useful in glamour's and warding. This wand tends to pick an owner who's brave and pure of heart, not to mention has a high intelligence. Holly's personality is Determined.
The gryffon originated in Greece, having the head and front legs of an eagle, but the hind quarters of a lion. Gryffon feathers are used in wands of wizards or witches who posses great strength whether physically, magically or emotionally. These wands are especially good for both offensive and defensive magic."
This would be a good time to note that Harry’s wand is made out of Holly, but, as we all know, he has a single phoenix feather in his 11” wand. Another bit of trivia for you – Harry’s wand is the ONLY wand made of Holly in the entire series that we know of. How cool is that?!
The only problem with this test is that it doesn’t calculate you’re wand’s flexibility as one of the six possibilities: Inflexible, Swishy, Springy, Pliable, Bendy, Supple. Knowing my wand, however, and after using it, I’m going to conclude its flexibility as “bendy.”
As Mr. Ollivander mentions in Deathly Hallows, “Wandlore is a complex and mysterious branch of magic." So, any insight we get on figuring out what type of wands we posses, through a simple quiz, is totally awesome and very much appreciated.
Go on, take the quiz and find out which wand has chosen you.
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