As any Potter-fan will tell you, this book played a key role in final book. Professor Dumbledore bequeathed this collection of fairy tales compiled by a 15th-century bard to Hermoine (who later provides us the translation of this work), with the hope that she would find it "entertaining and instructive". Later she reads out from it "The Tale of the Three Brothers", a fable about what happens to those who try to cheat Death.
This tale and four others - "The Wizard And The Hopping Pot", "Babbity Rabbitty And Her Cackling Stump" and "The Warlock's Hairy Heart" - are now brought together in this book. As an added bonus, the book contains the notes of Professor Dumbledore himself, whose annotations were found among his papers in the Hogwarts Archives.
I myself will be picking up my pre-ordered copy of the book today and will be diving into it as soon as I get it – I can’t wait! I have also ordered the special Collector’s Edition, available exclusively through Amazon.
I'll be back in the coming days with my full review and thoughts. Until then, keep twiddling those dials! Keep each other safe, keep faith…good day!
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