Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Photos of Dan Radcliffe Filming "Deathly Hallows"

Yesterday, Potter fans saw the first photo of Daniel Radcliffe filming on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Today, Oclumencia has obtained several more photos of Dan filming a forest scene. I have posted a few of the photos here, but all of them can be seen on Oclumencia’s website.

Though the location of the filming along with the nature of the nature of the shoot are unknown, it is quite evident from these pictures that a forest scene is being filmed. Knowing the Deathly Hallows text, we can venture to guess that they are filming either the Silver Doe scene or Harry's march into the forest at the end of the book. In my personal opinion, I think it's the Silver Doe scene. There is a mystic feel to these pictures, accented by the glow and the fog of the forest. You get the sense that he sees something in the distance as well and is walking towards it. Dan's disheveled look makes it seem like he's been in search of the horcruxes for a while and has been away from home for weeks. It also seems like he has a wand in hand, which he did not have in "The Forest Again" sequence. Also, if they were going to be filming that scene, I would assume more actors would need to have undergone filming, including principals, such as Ralph Finnes (Voldemort) and Gary Oldman (Sirius Black).

Anyway, enjoy the photos!

Filming began on Deathly Hallows last month and it will take 54 weeks to complete both parts of the film. So, I'm sure there will be plenty of new photos from the set in the year ahead!

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