Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Flurry of New HBP Footage

"I don't need luck, I'm with Dumbledore."

Merlin’s Beard! Galloping Gargoyles! There’s been a flurry of Half Blood Prince news today, all having to do with new footage from the film.

We begin with the the first official clip from the film, which was broadcast on the “Ellen” show yesterday (posted below). It shows a hilarious Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) under the influence of some tampered chocolates and love stricken over Romilda Vane.

The second set of footage (also posted below) comes to us from Belgium. A cineplex website has posted a new featurette online showing both released footage and new clips. The new footage includes Harry speaking to Dumbledore atop the Astronomy Tower, Harry speaking with Ron and Hermoine, and a rather funny scene at Slughorn’s home. The featurette also includes interviews with director David Yates and stars Dan Radcliffe, Michael Gambon, and more.

There is also word today that the trio – Dan Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson – will present a brand new clip from the film at the MTV Awards next weekend. MTV is reporting that the clip will be introduced “via telecast from England” and will be “a never-before-seen clip from ‘Half-Blood Prince,’ the sixth movie adaptation of the J.K. Rowling boy-wizard book series.” The MTV Movie Awards will air Sunday, May 31st at 8pm CST on the cable station.

Harry Potter fans have been quite lucky today, indeed. It's as if we all enjoyed a drop of Felix Felicis before we asked for new Half Blood Prince material!

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